In's and Out's of Occupational Therapy April
Tue, Apr 30
Learn about Occupational Therapy Services. The basics on OT developmental milestones, what therapists can do to help children and families, and understand who can benefit from additional support.

Time & Location
Apr 30, 2024, 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
About the Event
Join our FREE Monthly OT Zoom. This months topic is an introduction to Occupational Therapy and what it can do for you and your kiddo.
Occupational Therapists are people who help individuals achieve their goals. This can be by promoting independence, developing new skills or coping strategies, or learning something new. Occupational Therapists help individuals from all walks of life, and from all stages of life from infants to older adults. At SPG occupational therapy can help with:
· Fine motor skills: finger and hand activities
· Gross motor skills: balance, coordination, strength
· Visual motor skills: eyes and hands working together
· Self-care and daily independence: dressing, bathing, eating, sleeping
· Daily tasks including cooking, cleaning, organizing or maintaining personal spaces
· School tasks such as cutting, coloring, drawing, writing, and executive functioning
The list goes on and on! The sky’s the limit with Occupational Therapy.